frequently ask questions

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The acronym “IV” stands for intravenous therapy, “intra-” meaning within or inside and “venous” relating to the veins. Thus, IV therapy is a method of administering fluids into the body via the blood vessels, and it’s the fastest way possible to deliver essential nutrients to your body.

An IV fluid drip involves a small tube called a catheter and a saline-based electrolyte solution that contains your selected vitamins and nutrients. An IV drip delivers these essential nutrients and fluids directly into your bloodstream, bypassing your digestive tract. There’s no wait time, and the nutrition is instantly available to remedy your body’s health and wellness needs.

At Vital IV Hydration, the process looks like this:

  • Our nurses place a small, thin plastic tube called a catheter directly into your vein. In order to place the catheter, we use a numbing spray to help minimize any discomfort
  • Once our nurse accesses your vein, we remove the needle.
  • The catheter remains inside you deliver your IV infusion. 
  • The catheter is attached to a bag, which contains your selected drip!

In total, an IV drip takes around 30 to 45 minutes for a complete therapy session. This includes completing a few forms prior to your infusion as well as a quick health assessment.


Yes, IV therapy very safe. All of our vitamins are FDA-approved and go through high levels of testing before they’re made available to our clients. All IV drips are administered by a registered nurse and with guidance from our medical director. Before any client receives IV therapy, we evaluate their health history. Side effects from an IV drip are generally non-existent or very mild. On occasion, you may experience some discomfort, bruising, itching, inflammation, or redness at or around the site of injection, and this could last from a few minutes to several days. However, true allergic reactions are extremely rare.

We recommend our clients come in for IV therapy 1-2 times a month. We take a customized approach to suit your individual needs. For preventative health and wellness, we recommend two IV drips per month, as this helps balance out any vitamin deficiencies.Which two IVs should you get, you ask? From immune and energy boosts, to weight management and hangover help, we offer a wide variety of drips that can meet your wellness needs. Check out all of the drips and boosters you can add below!

The whole process will take 30-45 minutes to complete. There are a few forms to complete prior to your infusion as well as a quick medical assessment.

Side effects are generally non-existent or very mild. On occasion, you may experience some discomfort, bruising, redness, itching, inflammation, or redness at or around the site of injection that could last from a few minutes to several days. True allergic reactions are extremely rare. However, if you experience throat swelling, pruritic body rash, dangerously low blood pressure, or symptoms associated with anaphylaxis following administration of an injection, visit your nearest emergency department. If you know you are allergic to any of the ingredients — please avoid it!

At Vital IV Hydration, the process looks like this:

  • Our nurses place a small, thin plastic tube called a catheter directly into your vein. In order to place the catheter, we use a numbing spray to help minimize any discomfort
  • Once our nurse accesses your vein, we remove the needle.
  • The catheter remains inside you deliver your IV infusion. 
  • The catheter is attached to a bag, which contains your selected drip!

In total, an IV drip takes around 30 to 45 minutes for a complete therapy session. This includes completing a few forms prior to your infusion as well as a quick health assessment.

Everyone’s pain tolerance is different, but we strive to stick everyone just once with our experienced Registered Nurses. That said, we do offer lidocaine and a numbing spray if you would like!

We have a large variety of shots ranging from hangover relief  to shots that can promote healthy skin and hair. We offer Lipo MIC shots. Lipotropic nutrients are a class of agents that plays an important role in the body’s use of fat. They enhance the liver and gallbladder’s role by decreasing fat deposits and by speeding up the metabolism and removal of fats. The liver is the key organ in the control of body fat. Vitamin B12 is used in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It is often used to give an energy boost, helping to increase activity levels. Plus many more!

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